Friday, October 28, 2011


I've been adding some more to my scrap book journal recently. Just trying to get to grips with watercolours and drawing straight to pen and trying not to worry about the outcome.




I quite liked the cake doodle and thought it would be a cool card design so I tried to redraw it for my Mums' birthday.


Not as good as the original and annoyingly the pen bled on the card a bit but it was fun to paint it with watercolours.

Plus, Mum liked it :)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Steph loves to draw

These are nice! I love the doodley style. Must get doodling! From the steph loves to draw blog by the designer Stephanie Prior.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sea slug

How beautiful is this?!

From the national geographic website, the one cubic foot experiment.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tree Doodles

As I am on a bit of a roll with trees at the momment ( must be something to do with Autumn!) I thought I would post the pictures from my sketchbook with trees in them. I have to confess that I havent touched my sketchbook for months now, but it is always nice to take the time to look back through it, hopefully I can get back into it soon.

Below left is a doodle which I probably did whilest on the phone, I cant really remember. I just know that it made me wonder what a doodle might look like in 3D and the result is on the right, hopefully I will get the turntable posted at some point but you get the idea for now.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Old inspirations

I was flicking through one of my old books The Art of the Lord Of The Rings and I came across the artwork for the horses on the river. I remember loving that part of the film when it came out and feeling inspired.  It reminds me of the old Guinness ad which was pretty epic at the time, I think it is called "surfer". Looking back I was slightly disappointed, I thought the horses were more integrated, however it is still a pretty neat advert and the music if nothing else can evoke driving emotion in you.


The Lord of the rings

Another page in the book was the art work for the fireworks for the hobbit party. The fireworks create butterfly shapes and and huge dragon towards the end. I hope to have a bash at this in 3d soon. It is here as a reminder for me.

Its funny how the Lord of the rings films seems a little dated now, but it must be coming up to ten years since they were released.
Friday, October 7, 2011

Twinings Tv Advert

This advert caught my eye on tv the other day, it is just beautiful. In a way I was disappointed at the end that it was only advertising tea! I think they are trying to do something bigger though and encourage women to spend some time on themselves. A pleasure to watch, the adverts are getting more interesting than the tv programmes! And you know what? I might just go and buy some Twinings after that rather than the same old supermarket brand, I love a nice cup of tea.

The tree continues

Freya had a nap... so I added some colour to the tree, interesting choice of colours huh? I just did it based on what I had in front of me, which was a bunch of magazine cuttings and these were the most prominent colours and its my tree so I can do what I like. Wonder if anything will happen to it if Freya naps again?
Sunday, October 2, 2011


I finally took the plunge and started in my new scrap paper journal.

It's always hard to know what to put on the first page, I feel it should be something that grabs you or the viewer when you open it.

I thought an inspirational quote would be a good start to a sketch journal thingy so creating letters in my usual crazy style so I could paint them I did the following:

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